Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Sponge Cake Contekan

Akhirnya, jadi juga deh ngebuat sponge cake, setelah ngiler liat sponge cake nya mbak  deetha ama mbak  rurie .  ikutan juga nih bikinnya  setengah resep aja, soalnya si ponakan tercintalagi sakit nggak boleh makan telor. jadi bikin cake untuk diri sendiri aja.
Resepnya copas aja deh langsung dari mbak rurie. (permisi mbak........). soalnya lagi males ngetik

Sponge Cake
(This is half recipe only)

- 5 egg yolk

- 2.5 egg white

- 5 gr emulsifier 
- 75gr sugar 
- 50gr cake flour shifted

- 1/2 tbs powdered milk 

- 1/2 tbs cornstarch

- 75gr butter (I used margarine)

- 1/2 tbs condensed milk

Preheat oven to 180ºC, grease and flour a round or square cake tin.

Melt butter in a saucepan.

Whisk eggs, sugar, emulsifier, flour, cornstarch until thick, white and fluffy. (Only do this if your electric mixer is strong enough. If not then first whisk eggs and sugar until just thick add emulsifier continue whisking until it's thick, white and fluffy. Add flour, cornstarch, powdered milk).

Add butter and mix well.

Pour in the cake tin and bake for 25-30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.

Resep: Yongki Gunawan

1 komentar:

Rurie mengatakan...

Nan, ini dibikin pandan juga enak lo....nyam...


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